Tuesday, December 20, 2011

What is HELLP Syndrome

   My name is Miranda Sherman and I was diagnosed with HELLP Syndrome July of 2000. Many women each year are diagnosed with this pregnancy complication, and some women even pass away from the effects. To learn about HELLP read through my site. 
     If you have any questions about HELLP syndrome that I have not answered here feel free to e-mail me. My daughter was very premature and if you are a preemie parent and you have questions or just want to talk, I will do my best.

HELLP Syndrome is the medical term for one of the most serious complications of pre-eclampsia, in which there is a combined liver and blood clotting disorder.

(H) Stands for hemolysis, breaking down of red blood cells.

(EL) stands for elevated liver enzymes in the blood, causing liver damage.

(LP) stands for low platelet count, needed for blood clotting.

HELLP Syndrome is life threatening. HELLP is sometimes misdiagnosed as gastritis, acute hepatitis, disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), gall bladder disease. As a result, the mother does not receive the right treatment. 

When it comes to diagnosing HELLP syndrome a platelet count appears to be the most reliable indicator of the presence of HELLP syndrome. The syndrome has been considered a variant of pre-eclampsia, but it can occur on its own or in association with pre-eclampsia. Pregnancy-induced hypertension, pre-eclampsia and HELLP syndrome are related and overlap in their presentations.